During the life span of your code signing certificate, you need to once export the certificate from your computer. However, are you stuck with how to export code signing certificate using Firefox as the browser?
Worry not, because we have prepared a step-by-step guide, which outlines the steps to export code signing certificate in Firefox. However, before jumping on to the steps, here is why you need to do it in the first place!
Once the validation of your certificate is finished, you will receive an email from the Certificate Authority (CA). However, to get the actual certificate, you need to export the certificate along with its private key and save it as a PFX or .p12 file to make the use of it.
You can select ‘Ask you every time’ and then click on the option called as ‘View Certificates’
(Note – if you forget the backup password, which you assigned on your certificate, it will not be possible to restore the backup in any such case. Thus, ensure to store the password in your diary or some secure place)
Now, as you have successfully stored the certificate and the private key, it is time to move further with your application signing. Hope you were able to follow the steps. Do let us know if you were stuck anywhere or still facing any difficulty in exporting the code signing certificate.