What is Software Publisher Certificate?

PUBLISH DATE: 12 May 2021

With the digitalization ramping up in all the business domains across various fields such as health, finance, education, retail, etc, data security and safety have become the most important concern for every user. Checking up with the availability of accurate tools and resources to get the highest security protocols and practices, software publisher certificates take the entry. If you looking for a perfect tool that can protect your personal information digitally, go for this certificate as it avoids red flags whenever the user wishes to engage with your software. 


Meaning of Software Publisher Certificate

A software publisher certificate is a digital certificate used by the software publishers to sign the software digitally before they release it to the public or their customers. These certificates are also known as code signing certificates create a digital shrink wrap over any software, application, or device driver. This certificate helps to make your code tamper-proof, does identity authentication, and decreases warning messages.


What do Software Publisher Certificates Do?

  1. Does Identity Verification

For any software developer or a publisher, building customer trust should be the topmost priority. When the users do not trust your software, you will lose the software download counts drastically. Moreover, the worst scenario would be when the user is searching your software and encounters the hackers who are targeting your brands and similar such brands to commit cybercrimes. And here, your brand reputation goes for a toss.

Software publisher certificates fight back here to protect your data and enable users to verify your identity. As soon as you sign your code with your encrypted digital signature and private key, the users can confirm that they are downloading the certificate from the intended publisher. You and your customer both remain completely relaxed and safe.

  1. Code Safety with Tamper-Proofing

As an advantage, code signing certificates enable users to check out your identity. But once your software goes online, no one-stop hacker to tamper with your codes. Software publisher certificate works wonders here. The certificate and the private key here are used for encrypting a hash of the software file. Hence, the code gets highly protected from any such threats of getting tampered with once it goes online. The users as well as your brand gets protection and ensures zero tamperings from malicious third-party visitors.

  1. Sharp Decrease of Warning Messages

Red flags are at their worse when they come with warning messages to software developers and publishers. It creates unending trouble for the developers as they have to wait to see this happen such as software triggering such unusual warning messages. Again, software punisher certificates here serve helpful and ensures that your software is trusted by the users by eliminating those warning messages.

Software Publisher Certificate

Well, you must also know that all the software publisher certificates do not help in getting rid of such warning messages completely. 


Types of Validation of Software Publisher Certificates

There are three types of software publishing certificates. They are also known as code signing certificates. Let us have a look over each of them:

  • Individual Verification: This validation helps those individual developers who are looking forward to publishing their software that is used with their name.
  • Organization Validation: This type of validation is used by organizations like software publishing houses or development companies who want to publish their software and undergo a code signing process with their organization’s name.
  • Extended Validation: Just as Organization validation for companies and setups, this validation process contains the same flow but has a higher level of importance. There are some stringent and stricter validation procedures with more expenditure. In this manner EV certificates have a greater advantage over other validation certificates.


Benefits of EV Code Signing Software Publisher Certificate

As discussed above, EV holds a larger scale of advantage over other certificates due to its highly secured process of validation. Also, these certificates are more expensive than the OV and EV certificates. Some stricter authentication processes come with some great benefits as described below:

  • High Security: The software publisher certificate and the encryption keys are sent via a physical USB device. As you solely possess the private key, this process offers utmost security. Therefore, the code can be signed via your certificate only with that specific USB device.
  • Highly Trusted by Microsoft SmartScreen Reputation Filter: Not all publisher certificates ensure such great safety. IV and OV shall help you to get rid of several warning messages, but they are not trusted by Microsoft Smartscreen Reputation Filter. Instead, Microsoft puts deep trust in the EV code signing processes instantly and helps you to remove every kind of warning message.


Final Thoughts

For any kind of developer, software publisher certificates can serve as a great help if added to their toolkit. As a developer, if you are looking forward to buying a reliable and safest software publisher certificate, CodeSignCert.com has got you right here. We have both Individual and EV Code Signing certificates with day and night support along with the availability of various security tools at the most competitive prices.

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